Greetings! This is the last post of our RESTful webservice section 1 ;) . Previous part is here We still have to implement error handling, security etc You can find the complete source code here Todoapp Step 1: Create TodoController annotated with @RestController Step 2: Implement our methods. Spring will do the REST ;) Let's test our service using Postman. start the server, gradle clean bootrun Test 1: Empty Todos Note the status: since we do not have any Todos yet, it is 404 Test 2: Create a Todo We get the 201 status and created Todo's location in header Test 3: List Todos Test 4: Update a Todo Test 5: Delete a Todo That is all for now, though it is working we are yet to handle errors properly and secure our end points.
May all beings be happy, be well, be peaceful, and be free