Greetings! In my previous post, I talked about creating a EC2 instance using CloudFormation. However, it is not that reusable because values are hard coded. Better way to do that is by using Parameters. Parameters is an optional section in the template that enable us to get user input custom values for our template. Let's define a Parameter Parameters section has following form. Parameters: ParameterLogicalID: Type: DataType ParameterProperty: value For an example we can get our security group description as an use input. Parameters: EC2SecurityGroupDescription: Type: String Description: Allow SSH access to the EC2 instance. How to Reference a Parameter The Fn::Ref function can be leveraged to reference parameters. The shorthand for this in YAML is !Ref. !Ref EC2SecurityGroupDescription Parameter Type Parameter types are String, Number, CommaDelimetedList, List, AWS specific parameter like "AWS::EC2::VPC::Id", List, S...
May all beings be happy, be well, be peaceful, and be free