Greetings! Movies are everyone's fun hobby. Designing a movie system is even more fun. We can design mainly 2 systems; System to support a single theater (or group) System to support all theaters What I am interested in in this exercise is the high-level architecture of a system to support all theaters, which is a movie platform. These sorts of systems are not built overnight. It takes a lot of engineering effort, designs, re-designs, etc to achieve the desired output. User requirements Our main requirement is browsing movies and booking a ticket. Other than that, we can add a few more useful features. Browse available movies in nearby cinemas Book a ticket with online payments Find movie information Notifications Recommended movies Comments and ratings User Registration Cinema registration We also need our system too; Better response time Searches by movie names Secure payments High-level design At a very high level, our system will look like this. We are going to explore and expa...
May all beings be happy, be well, be peaceful, and be free