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Showing posts from February 18, 2023

Design a movie ticketing platform

Greetings! Movies are everyone's fun hobby. Designing a movie system is even more fun. We can design mainly 2 systems; System to support a single theater (or group) System to support all theaters What I am interested in in this exercise is the high-level architecture of a system to support all theaters, which is a movie platform. These sorts of systems are not built overnight. It takes a lot of engineering effort, designs, re-designs, etc to achieve the desired output. User requirements Our main requirement is browsing movies and booking a ticket. Other than that, we can add a few more useful features. Browse available movies in nearby cinemas Book a ticket with online payments Find movie information Notifications Recommended movies Comments and ratings User Registration Cinema registration We also need our system too; Better response time Searches by movie names Secure payments High-level design At a very high level, our system will look like this. We are going to explore and expa...

How to get the access token with Amazon Cognito

Greetings! AWS Cognito is a serverless identity and access management server. We don't have to manage any server or database to handle user data and authentication, and authorization flows. In this article, we focus on how to create a Cognito user pool and retrieve an access token that can be used to access back-end data (we will not create a backend service though). Cognito User Pools Amazon Cognito User Pools makes it easy to create and maintain a user directory and add sign-up (user onboarding) and sign-in to your mobile or web application for authentication, authorization, and resource access and control. Let's get started. What we do Create a Cognito user pool Register a user and retrieve the authorization token Retrieve access token Create a Cognito user pool Go to AWS Console > Amazon Cognito to navigate to the Cognito page. Click on the "Create user pool"....