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Showing posts from January 2, 2018

REST tutorial introduction

Greetings! In this tutorial series, we are going to study RESTful services with Spring. We are going to build a TodoApp in this series since it is one of the easiest way to touch the technical stack. You can find the complete source code here Todoapp For the simplicity i'm going split tutorial into smaller parts. Section 1: CRUD Introduction Repository layer Service layer Controller layer Section 2: Error handling Exception handling Validations Section 3: Security Add token authentication Enhance token with JWT Section 4: User interface Section 5 : Miscellaneous Logging with logback Goal Create a RESTful service using Java tech stack. What you need Java 8 Gradle 4 IDE REST REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. It is an architectural style rather than a strict protocol. Not a standard but a set of constraints, such as being stateless, having a client/server relationship, and a uniform interface. rest wiki Spring Framewor...